August 4, 2009

Basics of Japanese Language

Like learning any language, Japanese can be difficult to master.

Perhaps the most difficult thing about learning a language is memorizing vocab. There are a certain number of essential grammar rules you need to know,
but the word lists are endless!

When learning Japanese words many people use the standard methods to memorize them. Methods like repeating a word endlessly or writing it out a hundred times. The problem with the standard methods, is that they are really boring and time-consuming.

So, are there any other options for memorizing Japanese vocab fast?

One method that is becoming more common these days is the use of word association. This method simply involves associating an image or idea with the word being memorized. The method itself has been around for quite some time, but is only now becoming an accepted study practice.

Now, Let's take a simple example:

Imagine you want to remember the Japanese word for hill. The word is "saka".

When you say it, it sounds similar to the word "soccer". So in this case, we'll make an association with soccer.

Close your eyes for 10 seconds and imagine a boy playing soccer on a hill. While you are imagining repeat the word saka to yourself.

That's all there is to it. Now you'll always remember the Japanese word for hill!

Using this method you can memorize up to 100 words per hour. Get the step-by-step tools you need right now by visiting:

Now, If you are ready to learn to speak Japanese fast, click here!
