April 18, 2010

Using "Looks Like"

In this lesson we will learn how to say something looks like or seems to be so by using (sou そう). This is very useful and you will use it often.

NOTE: It is important that you learn this correctly because (sou そう) is used in a similar way with a meaning that you heard information form somewhere.

First I teach how to use (sou そう) with (i ) Adjectives.

To say some food looks delicious using the word (oishii おいしい). What you do is take of the last (i) and add (sou desu そう です). The important part is that you take of the final (i ) and add (sou そう).
Like this:
This Sushi look good!
Kono osushi wa oishisou desu.この おすし は おいしそう です。

That looks heavy
sore wa omosou desu.  (omoi おもいheavy Sou そう form is Omosou おもそう).
そ れは おもそう です。

 ii desu い い ですbecomes yosasou desu よさそう です and Nai ない becomes nasasou desu なさそう です

So practice this with other (i ) adjectives.
Now I will explain it for (na ) Adjectives.
For these kind of adjectives you just add sou desu そう です。

Masa looks Kind.
Masa san wa shinsetsu sou desu。まささんは しんせつ そうです。

Looks pretty.
kirei sou desu。きれい そう です。

Now for Verbs:
For verbs you make the (masu ます) form then take (masu ます) away and add (sou そう).

It looks like it will rain.
Ame ga furisou desu.
あめ が ふりそう です。 
( So here the (masu ます) form of (furu ふ る) becomes (furimasu ふります) so take (masu ます) away and you get (furi ふり) and then you add (sou desu そう です)。


  1. hi all
    i ve one doubt in
    ame ga furisou des.
    aame ga furusou des.
    wat is the differnce bt them?

  2. ame ga furisou des
    means that it seems like it will rain.
    ame ga furusou des
    means that you heard it will rain.

  3. What about "A looks like B"? How does that work?

    1. AがBみたいです。(A ga B mitaidesu.)
