January 20, 2010

Slangs Dictionary - Part 1

Japanese Slangs (among young people) dictionary - PART 1

A Meaning
朝シャン asasha washing hair in the morning
青二才 aonisa novicc,grccnhorn
赤点 akaten failing mark/grade
悪趣味 akushum poor taste
あげまん ageman refers to a woman who help her husband succeed
朝飯前 asameshimae piece of cake
足手まとい asidematoi a person who is a burden
足を出す ashi wo dasu overbudjet
あそこの毛 asoko no ke public hair,bush
当たり前 atari-mae common sense
アッシー君 asshi-kun a male friend who has a car and will act as a chauffeur for his female friend
後の祭り ato no matsuri it’s too late
兄貴 aniki elder brother
姉貴 aneki elder sister
アプリ apuri computer application
あほ aho fool, idiot, ***hole
アポ apo appointment
甘えん坊 amaenbo mama’s boy
甘党 amatou person who likes sweet foods
アメカジ ame-kaji American casual fashion
荒稼ぎ ara-kasegi quickly get a lot of money
アル中 aru-chuu alcoholic
アクセ akuse fashion accessories
アイアイサー ai ai sa- used for replying"Yes"
アキバ akiba term for a person who visit to Akihabara often
アクセ akuse accessories eg. akuse kawaii ne
あけおめ akeome Happy new , short cut " Akemashite omedetou"
あけっぱ akeppa slang for ta-mama eg: mado o akeppa nishite(mado o aketa mama ni shite) Leave it as it is
あざーす aza-su Arigatou
あし ashi slang for vehicle.eg: Ashi aru? =have a car?
アチャパー achapa- used when u mistake something
あぶい abui meaning" abunai"
ありがセンキュー arigasenkyu meaning very thank you
アメ公 Amekou American ppl, Yanks

I Meaning
いかさま師 ikasama-shi tricky person
いかれている ikarete iru be twisted
いきがってる ikigatter stylish but affected
生き字引 iki-jibiki a living dictionary
いけてる iketeru looks nice
石頭 ishi-atama blockhead
意地っ張り ijippari stubborn
いじめっ子 ijimekko a kid who bully other classmate
イタ飯 ita-meshi Italian meal
一段落 ichidanraku complete the first stage
一人前になる ichininmae ni naru become an adult,expert
いちゃいちゃする icha-icha suru petting (lovers)
いちゃもんをつける ichamon o tsukeru to complain about something
いっき飲み ikki nomi chugging
一件落着 ikken rakuchaku that takes care of that
一匹狼 ippiki ookami lonly wolf
一服する ippku suru to smoke
いやらしい iyarashii disgusting,kinky
インチキやろう inchiki-yarou hustler
インテリ interi intelligentsia
イカツイ ikatsui mukatsuku. piss me off
いかつく ikatsuku Ikatte mukatsuku (angry&piss me off)
イケイケ ikeike used when u r high tension
イケてる iketeru meaning good looking
イケメン ikemen meaning good looking guy
イタメル itameru mischief mail
イタ電 itaden mischief call
イミ不 imifu short for imifumei , You can't understand the meaning at all
イメチェン imechen short for image change
イモい imoi uncool, farmer stlye
インポ inpo short for impotence

U Meaning
うさんくさい usan-kusai suspicious
うどの大木 udo no taiboku big but useless guy
裏社会 ura-shakai undergroundworld
うぃー whi- meaning " domo"
うーっぜ! u-zze-! uzai, botherd
うける ukeru omoshiroi
ウザい uzai botherd
うざばば uzababa botherd old woman
うそっペー usoppe lie,uso
うんこ unko worst,rubissh

E Meaning
AVギャル AV gyaru female p*** star
駅弁 eki-ben lunchbox sold at train stations
えっち ecchi perverse
エロ爺 ero-jiji dirty kinky old man
援交 enkou assistance dating

O Meaning
おおきに ookini thank you (used in Kansai)
おかんむり o-kanmuri displeased
おしっこ oshikko piss,urine
お宅 otaku someone crazy about something
落ちこぼれ ochikobore dropout person
おやじ oyaji dad,old man
親分 oyabun boss
オール o-ru used for staying all over night
おかあ okaa short for okaasan
おそろ osoro pair
おっつ~ ottsu- used for otsukaresama
おっはー ohha- Good morning, Ohayou
おとん oton short for otousan
おはこんばんちわ ohakonbanchiwa ohayou+konnichiwa+konbanwa
おひさ ohisa slang for hisashiburi, long time no see
汚ギャル ogal term for a girl who like to stay in dirty stuation. kitanai onnna, never take bath etc

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